Resources we love at Young Learners and Teens SIG
Here are some fab resources. Please share yours with fellow teachers by sending them to
e4innovation: Using iPads for learning, teaching and research Teaching Teens blog post – The fantastic Jamie Keddie shares his ideas for using videos and films in class. (A personal note: “The Box”, used with several classes, has always been a hit!)
Film English by Kieran Donaghy – Kieran and James kindly share a whole package of free resources online, so be fair and donate, or at least buy their books. These guys are saving you hours of time and guaranteeing you amazing lessons!
British Council/BBC: Teaching teens – Some great reading (and other) resources on a variety of topics. Something for everyone – and check out their teacher development courses too.
Tes Resources – Times educational supplement shares a wide variety of resources aimed at British teachers in the UK, but often adaptable and very useful if you teach using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
Here are some of our favourites:
Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College – Full of practical ideas to ensure learning and classroom management with teens.
The Lazy Teacher’s Handbook: How Your Students Learn More When You Teach Less – Not the cop-out that the name may suggest, but full of ideas to encourage learner autonomy.
Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator – Another goodie!
While not exactly your run-of-the-mill resources, English for the Zombie Apocalypse and English for the Alien Invasion are fantastic for teens. Doing exactly what they say, these resources provide language practice for various situations (for example, your friend has been attacked by a zombie; do you a) kill him, b) leave him behind or c) take him with you hoping for a cure? Discuss in groups and act out the scene).
What Every Teacher Needs to Know about Psychology, by David Didau and Nick Rose, is a good, basic start on educational psychology, and is free to borrow from Amazon Kindle.
If you have a few moments to spare, webinars and recordings are a great way to up your CPD.
Check out IATEFL webinars here; you don’t have to be a member to watch the webinars, but recordings are restricted.
Cambridge Assessment English: Webinars for teachers
Oxford University Press: “More equal than others” webinar
Useful links
IATEFL IP & SEN SIG (Inclusive Practices & SEN) – If you teach students with specific educational needs or disabilities, consider joining this new special interest group.
Blogs we like
Olha Madylus: Young Learner teacher, teacher-trainer, trainer-trainer, author and consultant
Teacher Toolkit: Classroom Ideas, Teacher Training and School Resources
And of course, Fab English ideas!