All text on this page is ©2015 Survival Books and is published here with their generous permission. Order your copy of Living and Working in Switzerland online or ask for it at your local bookstore!
Accident Insurance
Accident insurance (Unfallversicherung, assurance accidents) is mandatory for all employees in Switzerland. Occupational accident insurance is paid by your employer and covers accidents or illness at work, and accidents that occur when travelling to and from work or when travelling on company business.
Private accident insurance contributions vary according to your employer from nothing (in a non-contributory scheme) to around 1.5 per cent of your gross monthly salary.
Federal Social Security
Swiss federal social security provides old age and survivors’ insurance/OASI (Eidgenossische Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung/AHV, assurance-vieillesse et survivants/AVS) and disability insurance lDl (Invaliden-versicherung llV, assurance d’invalidite IAI), and contributions are obligatory for most employees in Switzerland. A flat rate of 5.05 per cent of your gross salary is deducted at source by your employer.
Salary Insurance
Many companies provide salary insurance (Salarausfallversicherung l Salarlosenversicherung, assurance perte de gain) to cover periods of sickness or injury. The cost to employees varies from nothing to around 1 per cent of your gross monthly salary.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung, assurance chômage) is compulsory for all employees of Swiss companies. You pay 1 per cent of your gross monthly salary, which is deducted by your employer. Payment may be included with your OASI/DI payments on your pay slip (total 6.05 per cent).
Miscellaneous Insurance
Other insurance provided by your employer is listed in his general terms. It may include free life and health insurance when travelling outside Switzerland on company business. Some companies have compulsory health insurance schemes.
All text on these pages is ©2015 Survival Books and is published here with their generous permission. Order your copy online or pick one up at your local bookstore!