Spring 2017

Thirty four years on… As it has always done, ETAS Journal remains attentive to teaching and learning issues, and continues to question assumptions and thinking about teaching while exploring effective ways to improve learning and teaching in the various professional contexts of our readers.

Table of Contents


ELT for personal growth and success / Dina Blanco-Ioannou


    ‘Not surviving but thriving’: Teacher psychology and professional wellbeing – A conversation with Sarah Mercer/

Rachael Harris


Modern Shakespeare studies or Shakespeare and the sleuths: An interview with James Shapiro / Jean-Martin Büttner


ETAS CROSSING BORDERS: Sharing expertise, linking cultures – Voices from Brazil-TESOL


Why critical thinking in ELT teacher education? / Inés Kayon de Miller 

Understanding critical thinking in the ELT classroom / Anderson Maia 

Developing critical writing skills in L2 / Doris de Almeida Soares

Autonomy: Sharing responsibilities in the classroom / Elaine Hodgson

Approaching grammar in the student-centred classroom / Paullo Abreu

To get more out of writing activities / Lucas Rigonato

Six tips for a successful EFL lesson / Catarina Pontes

Putting learners at the centre of the learning process through drama projects / Alexsandro Silva

Digital literacies: Collaborating beyond the classroom / Karina Fernandes

From internet memes to concept checking / Marcelo de Cristo

OMG! There is a native speaker in the room! / Cintia Rodrigues

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