In This Issue
Six years ago, with the goal of serving as the forum for creating contacts, conversations, contemplation, and collaborations, ETAS Journal began taking virtual journeys beyond our borders, each time returning to enthrall us with the gifts of its travels: enriching professional practice and worldviews through encounters with other ELT communities and practitioners worldwide. As beneficiaries of these treasures, readers are quick to acknowledge the impact that exposure to a diversity of learning contexts, cultures, and expertise has on their professional lives. At the same time, the way cross-cultural and intercultural teaching perspectives provide complementary and contrasting viewpoints to our own practice, experience, and understanding of ELT has been much appreciated.
In this Spring edition, ETAS Journal embarks on yet another virtual journey through the ETAS Crossing Borders special feature. This time the journey is far and wide, requiring much vaster disciplinary, cultural, and geographical crossings to share expertise with fellow ELT professionals in the vibrant teaching-learning landscape of Brazil. On behalf of ETAS Journal, a warm welcome and many thanks to the members of BRAZ-TESOL for generously sharing their insights and experiences through their articles that explore the discursive shape and texture of English Language Teaching. At the same time, these authors give us a glimpse of the rich cultural context that provides the backdrop to their writings.
As usual, collections like this reminds us that text is embedded in networks – writing is more than just a way of expressing an individual voice; it is also a means of entering into an intellectual conversation. This issue is only one of the many ways of keeping in touch, joining in the conversation, and experiencing another culture.