Winter 2019

Digital literacy for language teaching and learning is the focus of this issue. Lindsay Clandfield’s interview sets the stage for a host of interesting and inspiring articles. As an example, Tim Black gives us insight into his current digital toolbox, Marianne Pickles and Amy Devine discuss the potential of video games to provide meaningful learning experiences and how we can make informed decisions when it comes to choosing games, Zhenya Polosatova takes us on her reflective journey and narrates how diverse social media tools have contributed to her professional development and have helped her connect globally with like-minded professionals. Enjoy these articles and more!

Table of Contents

2 ETAS Professional Development Day
6 President’s Page
6 From the Editor’s Desk
8 2020 Winter call for submissions
9 ETAS Journal Outreach Programme 2019
10 Ask Alex

Making drills doable: creating and selling painless drills for exams • by Amy Jost

Student-made games • by Marisa Constantinides

Lindsay Clandfield • by Hannah McCulloch


24  Introduction to Focus • by Ben Hoyt
25  The contemporary classroom and the teacher’s digital toolbox • byTim Black
28 How video games can help people to learn English • by Marianne Pickles and Amy Devine
31 How  to digitalise your coursebook • by Tim Black
33 From CALL to AI via TELL A short navigational essay about technology-enhanced language learning and teaching • by Thomas Strasser
36 Nearpod as a live teaching app in the language classroom • by Zeynep Jaggi
38 Using social media in my ongoing professional development • by Zhenya Polosatova


41  Introduction to resources • by Hannah McCulloch
42  Resources Winter 2019


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