Winter 2013

Table of Contents
Main Articles
The ESP coursebook: an essential lifeline for CELTA grads / Ros Wright
Understanding cultural communication / Chia Suan Chong
Learning styles / Marjorie Rosenberg
Cross-cultural discussion forums in the foreign language classroom / Fiona Poorman and Theresa Schenker
Voices of Experience
10 tips for the next stage / Rohun Gupta
A classroom full of poets / James Taylor
Where do your stories come to life? / Maria Luisa Sciamarelli
Real beauty / Kieran Donaghy
From classroom noise to the language of learning / Kevin Stein
Getting students to talk / William Chaves Gomes
CLIL and cultural diversity / Vicky Saumell
Versatile souvenirs / Elsbeth Mäder
Helping upper-intermediate learners to recognize speech acts and use discourse markers / Roseli Serra
And more…
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Jim Scrivener – In ‘High Demand’
- Insights
ETAS Journal Editors’ Choice, Number 13 (September 2016)
- Editors' Choice
ETAS Journal Editors’ Choice Number 30 (April 2018)
- Editors' Choice
In this issue
- Editor's Note
Vocabulary Activities
- Review
International Negotiations
- Review