Well, this has to be a short Editorial – we are running out of space – but Yippee!It’s started raining. Last night was the hottest October night in Switzerland since records began in 1910. And in the dry garden, the leeks were anything but and the carrots were coughing. So now it’s the soggy countdown to Christmas, the New Year and the AGM.
And before we move on, just quickly a couple of things. First, I’m told that no one should google ‘tefl blacklist’. And second, if you want to see how we should all really be teaching English, go to www.ted.com and find Jay Walker’s fiveminute presentation on ‘English Mania’. He’s also on YouTube but, then, isn’t everything?
And, as always, we are very grateful to all our contributors, all our advertisers and all our members behind the scenes who so generously give their time to your Association.
With my thanks and best wishes, yours as ever,
John Raggett