Winter 2014 Journal pdf
CHF 15.00
Special Supplement: Creative Writing and ELT
A great part of my happiness over this issue is seeing one of our boldest initiatives, the promotion of an ELT community of practice without borders, come to life – again, with contributions from authors whose professional backgrounds are as varied as their geographical origins, here in these pages united by a common passion for the creative arts and a love for great literature. This issue’s Special Supplement on Creative Writing and ELT offers only a sampling of what is a vast and vibrant field of inquiry. In fact, we easily could have published a double issue on this topic. Still, I have never been prouder of the articles, poems, and stories gathered here, their luminous energy providing the contours of this collection. However incomplete any assortment of articles on such a vast topic must be, my hope is that this particular Supplement will advance creative writing pedagogy and its application in the English classroom while inspiring many of our English teachers into becoming creative writers themselves.
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