Summer 2013 Journal pdf

CHF 15.00

Special Anniversary Issue: 30 Years of ETAS and beyond


Seeing how publishing articles by authors from outside our region elevates ETAS Journal’s profile and visibility rather than taking away from ETAS members, we remain keen on internationalizing the range of writers represented in our pages precisely for this very reason – to push back against the tendency to be isolated in our own time and place and provincial in our own outlook. As a happy consequence, ETAS Journal’s intellectual orientation and purview continue to be enriched by this diversity of voices, expertise, and cultures. So, loosening our geographical constraints once again, we are showcasing in all our sections just such diversity, beginning with our Main Articles section and all through the collections in our Voices of Experience.

Paradoxically, it is this diversity that provides the element of coherence in this volume. We hope that through these efforts we are able to provide those of you who read our Journal consistently with an opportunity – whatever your areas of interest or expertise – to gain some sense of the latest developments in ELT in a variety of contexts. If significant parallels become visible through these juxtapositions of articles, or if we are able to help foster dialogue across boundaries, that is all the better. ETAS J just keeps traveling through time – and space!


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