Reflection on the connection between intercultural communicative competence and receptive skills in a blended learning context
Luís Elói Abstract This article presents a view on the concept of intercultural communicative competence and how it connects with reading and listening skills in…
‘Breaking boulders into pebbles’: Christine Coombe on teacher research
Daniel Xerri Teacher research is deemed to be an important way for practitioners to develop professionally and learn more about their classroom and students. However,…
A doctoral journey: The first steps
Patricia Daniels Making the right choice The first question I asked myself when I decided that I was going to take the plunge and embark…
Assessing Assessment with Anne Katz and Scott Thornbury: Two perspectives on the state and future of assessment
Anne Katz’s work is centered around assessment, curriculum design, and standards development. Her latest publication about assessment, published in Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and Snow’s (2014) Teaching…
Being useful, authentic, and empowering: An interview with Professor Sylvie Donna
According to your understanding, how are Business English courses different from general ESL? Clients’ expectation is that Business English (BE) classes will facilitate students’ work…
‘Teachers want to know answers to questions’: Dudley Reynolds on teacher research
Daniel Xerri The value of teacher research as a source of professional development and change within the classroom has grown in importance in the past…
Creative Writing in a Conflict Zone: An interview with Lone Bendixen Goulani
Elsbeth Mäder What originally started off as a bit of small talk at the LitSIG’s trip to Stratford before the 2016 IATEFL Conference in Birmingham…
Modern Shakespeare Studies or Shakespeare and the sleuths: An interview with Professor James Shapiro
by Jean-Martin Büttner Professor James Shapiro is an authority on Elizabethan and Jacobean literature, and author of the recently published The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in…
Conversation with Genevieve White
On Shakespeare, Globalisation, and Creativity in the English Language Classroom A Conversation with Genevieve White Genevieve White has taught English in places as far flung…
Retiring from ELT – a crime?
An interview with Alison Taylor, ETAS Past President Thank you for agreeing to answer a few questions about your life as a retired EFL teacher…
Interview with Adrian Judele
A look at IELTS: The high-stakes exam for study, migration and work Interview with Adrian Judele Below is an interview with Adrian Judele, Head of…