ETAS Journal Special Supplement Guidelines
The Special Supplement topic should be agreed with the ETAS Journal Editor-in-Chief and the deadlines verified. The Supplement itself should contain 8 –10 articles.
14.1 Content: The articles should vary in perspective and content and reflect the needs of a large and diverse membership.
14.1.1 Specific requirements on content
- Full-length articles must not to exceed 2,500 words, including references; practical articles not to exceed 2,000 words, including references, and must include a brief 50-word abstract.
- Articles must be written as MS Word document and sent as email attachment, including the author’s short biography, recent photo, and mailing address.
- Articles must not include ‘commercial’ text selling, promoting, or endorsing products or services.
14.1.2 Specific requirements on format: Articles must
- be printed across A4 pages upright and left justified, as Word document in a black, 12-point font such as Times New Roman or Arial
- not be in columns, indented, or framed
- have no hyphenated words at the line end
- include only tables and diagrams formatted in Word (other illustrative material should be sent separately by mail and be black on white)
- not contain headers or footers
14.1.3 Specific requirements on references
- For notes within the text, use the APA 7th Edition Reference Style in-text citations format (author-publication date-page number), not footnotes or endnotes
- Sources used as in-text citations should be included in the Reference List.
- For the references, use APA 7th Edition Reference Style Guide. Sample formats for both in-text citations and references are available online at or check ETAS Journal 2021 or other editions since 2020.
- Sources included in the Reference List must match those that have been cited in-text.
14.2 Illustrations: The Special Supplement Editor(s) are responsible for providing the ETAS Journal DTP/graphic designer with the photos, graphics, or other illustrations relevant to or reflecting the thematic framework of the Supplement to go with the Special Supplement front page. This or another suitable illustration will recur throughout the Supplement to reinforce the theme and aid reader orientation. All illustrations must be credited and copyright permission obtained, if applicable.
14.3 Special Supplement Editor(s) Duties and Responsibilities
- Prepare a Special Supplement Call for Articles, to include a description of the Supplement themes, submission guidelines for both content and format, and deadlines for submission, to be published in a journal issue at least six months before the Supplement’s scheduled publication
- Solicit articles from a variety of people well in advance of the deadline
- Follow up prospective contributors two – three months before deadline
- If including articles previously published in another publication, obtain permission to reprint and add an acknowledgment note at the end of the article: e.g. This article first appeared in… (provide exact publication details) and reprinted here with the kind permission of…)
- Stress compliance of submission deadline to all contributors
- Acknowledge receipt of articles as soon as they arrive
- As soon as articles have been reviewed and considered suitable, begin preliminary editing, making sure that articles follow the ETAS Journal in-house style guide and the APA 7th Edition Reference Style ( or check articles in any ETAS Journal editions from 2011-2015) adopted by ETAS Journal for both in-text citations and reference list.
- If major changes are necessary, liaise with the ETAS Journal Editor and contact the author explaining this.
- Write the Supplement Foreword (500 – 800 words)
- Send edited articles (including authors’ bionotes and mailing addresses) and Supplement Foreword to Editor at:
- Should there be any articles which could not be included in the Journal for any of the following reasons (e.g. lack of space or arrival after deadline, lack of necessary copyright, commercial bias), the Supplement Editor(s) are expected to contact the author(s) stating reason for non-inclusion and return articles with explanation (e.g. we do not accept ‘commercial’ texts, unsuitability, or repetition of content)
If Supplement Editor(s) receive a contribution they question (e.g. concerning content, standard, or suitability), they are expected to consult with the ETAS Journal Editor.
The Editors reserve the right to make editing changes for clarity or brevity without prior consultation with the author(s). Authors will be contacted regarding any major editing or revisions. All contributors will receive one complimentary copy of the ETAS Journal.
Both ETAS Journal and the author(s) hold the copyright to the articles published in this Journal. Articles may not be reprinted without prior permission of ETAS Journal and the author(s).