Summer 2019

This is just a sample of the inspiring articles in this issue. Professor James Shapiro talks to ETAS stalwart Eva Göksel about bringing Shakespeare into the classroom. Shapiro’s current book project is an examination of Shakespeare in an America divided by Trump. A fabulous read, and very useful for those who do sometimes wonder how to achieve that involvement that eventually leads to appreciation and understanding of great words (regardless of who wrote them).

The interview leads into the Focus of this issue, which looks at Special Education Needs and Disabilities produced and edited by Rachel harris, and a section on drama and literature produced and edited by Eva Göksel. Naomi Epstein’s brief essay on teaching literature to deaf students: moving and illuminating.

The contents of this issue are interesting and motivating. They illustrate how rewarding English language teaching can be, but they also provide insight into some of the challenges that teachers face on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

2         E TAS Professional Development Day
6          President’s Page
6          From the Editor’s desk
8          2020 Winter call for Submissions
9          ETAS Journal Outreach Programme 2019
10       Dear Alex
11       TEACHERS STORIES Acting on the future with a cup of coffee • By Heather Murray
12       AT THE CHALK FACE Journey to the West: reflections of a mid-career TEFL Instructor • by Jason Chan
14       VOICES OF EXPERIENCE Field notes from the jungle • by Amy Jost
19       THE INTERVIEW The Interview: James Shapiro Eva Göksel


24       Introduction to Focus
25       Interview with Phil Dexter Rachael Harris
30       Thinking outside of the boxes Maria Byrne
33       The All Inclusive Classroom Natalie Gonzalez
35       Creative writing in mixed ability classes Veronique Buffat
38       Dyslexia and learning English Jon Hird
41       When teaching literature highlights students who are deaf Naomi Epstein
42       Introduction to drama and literature section Eva Göksel
43       English through drama focus on language and literacy skills Eva Göksel and Sylvia Nadig
45       Oscar Night: Exploring radio drama with upper-secondary learners Lynn Williams

49       Introduction to Focus Hannah McCulloch
50       Resources Summer 2019
54       AFTER CLASS Geoff Tranter

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