Become an Associate Member of ETAS
Membership for Associates: training institutes, examination centres, publishers, and booksellers
What is ETAS?
ETAS, the English Teachers Association, Switzerland is, as its name suggests, a non-profit organization of and for English teachers in Switzerland. Our mission is to help English language teachers in Switzerland connect, grow and thrive throughout their professional careers.
ETAS is made up of English Teachers working independently, for private institutions, state schools, and retirees. In two national events, on social media, and in various regional events we meet to share ideas, learn new methods, evaluate new materials, and generally encourage one another.
ETAS is involved with IATEFL, other associations, and our various sponsors and vendors offering a wide range of workshops and services.
For more see:
Associate Membership Benefits
Membership for Associates: training institutes, examination centres, publishers, and booksellers
Annual membership fee: CHF 500.
- Discounted fee for the book exhibition at ETAS (in-person) national events: 10%
- Free participation in online conference virtual space for two participants including table, private booth, tv and poster
- Opportunities to lead ETAS hosted mini-workshops or presentations, online or locally
- Collaborations with ETAS on a joint event for members, online or locally
- Free advertising on the ETAS External Events page for your events
- Free announcements in the Associate Members electronic newsletter for your events
- Your logo and embedded link on the ETAS website list of partners
- Free listings on the ETAS Job Board
- Free subscription to the ETAS Journal (two issues per year)
- Discounted advertising rate for a series of ads in ETAS publications: 15%
- Your logo on the Associate Member page of the ETAS Journal
Digital Membership List
- Use of digital membership list for commercial use: 300 CHF